piątek, 13 marca 2009

Przemyślenia i dyskusje - 2

A topic to think about or discuss!!!
And now, my confrontation with reality in the United States!!! My family and I often visit concert halls (do you do that, too???) Carnegie Hall; Lincoln Center; City Hall; City Opera; and Jazz clubs: Dizzy Gillespie's Club; Birdland; the Apollo and others. Hello!!! And now your ATTENTION please!!! 1. Concert at Carnegie Hall for the 50th anniversary of TONY BENNET'S artistic career (he was 72 at the time)!!! Don't have to advertise!!! "The Genius of Jazz and Pop Vocal"!!! And the audience??? The hall was full to the brim: sold out: around 2000 spectators: all Euro-Americans and Asians!!! Around 5 Africans!!! 2. Concert at Carnegie Hall for the 50th anniversary of the Dave Brubeck Quartet, and in the second part, the superb piano player: the Ramsey Lewis Trio (he and the drummer are colored)!!! The audience??? The hall was sold out!!! All whites and Asians!!! Around 4 Africans!!! 3. Concert at Carnegie Hall for the 80th birthday of a genius of classical music and jazz: pianist, composer, conductor and arranger!!! Andre Previn Trio!!! The audience??? Same thing!!! The hall was sold out!!! Around 4 Africans!!! 4. Carnegie Hall concert: The New York Pops. Exquisite music from Music Halls, Jazz and Pop in the best world-scale rendition!!! The audience??? The hall was sold out!!! Around 7 Africans!!! 5. Jazz in Carnegie Hall concert!!! Big bands at Carnegie Hall: the leader (virtuoso trumpeter) is black; Diane Reeves: superb Jazz vocalist (black)!!! Fantastic concert!!! The audience??? The hall was sold out!!! All Euro-Americans and Asians!!! Around 8 Africans!!! .... to be continue....
And now, my distinguished colleague and virtuoso musician: clarinet, saxophone and flute: Adam Kapera, who worked with the top names in Polish Jazz in Sweden: W. Karolak, A. Dabrowski, C. Bartkowiak, Ewa Bem and others; and I had the pleasure of working with him in Cracow from 1967 to 1971 !!! I quote his response to my remarks that: "...they (Africans) like trumpets, saxophones, trombones and DRUMS!!! probably that's why they don't go to Carnegie Hall!!! But in the Big Band they had 5 trumpets, 5 saxophones, 4 trombones and 2 sets of drums (half the musicians were Africans) and the outstanding contemporary vocalist Diane Reeves (also colored), and what??? The audience: the hall was sold out: Euro-Americans and Asians!!! Around 8 Africans!!! So in search of BLACK JAZZ LOVERS, and "concert" music in general, we went to Lincoln Center (which is the home base of W. Marsalis and his Phenomenal Orchestra) for a concert by the distinguished trumpeter, composer and conductor: Wynton Marsalis (black, born in New Orleans) and his phenomenal Big Band (6 white and 9 black musicians)!!! Guest performers: Joe Levano: tenor saxophone, and DIANE REEVES: vocal!!! Concert for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the famous recording studio and record company, the BLUE NOTE!!! "THE BEST OF BLUE RECORDS"!!! Wynton Marsalis: the world's best trumpeter (black) and outstanding composer and conductor!!! A concert by the very geniuses of jazz: W. Marsalis, Joe Levano, D. Reeves and the orchestra, all virtuosos!!! Excellent repertoire; sensational performances; and what??? The audience??? The hall was sold out: Euro-Americans and Asians!!! And blacks??? Around 10 people!!! We would really like to know why things are like that??? Europe and Asia in attendance at New York concert halls!!! But where are the Africans, Latinos and other "races"??? To be continued!!!!
I teraz zderzenie z rzeczywistascia w Stanach!!! Czesto z Rodzina odwiedzamy sale koncertowe/czy i Wy tez to robicie???/ Carnige Hall; Lincoln Center; City Hall; City Opera;oraz"Jazz Cluby":"Dizzy's Gilespy Club" ;"Bird Land"; "Apollo" i inne. Hallo!!! Teraz UWAGA!!! 1-Koncert-w Carnige Hall-50-cio lecie kariery artystycznej TONY BENETA/ mial wowczas 72 lata/ !!! nie trzeba reklamowac!!! Geniusz vokalu "Jazzowego i Pop"!!! A publicznosc??? Sala"wypelniona po brzegi"-"sold aut"-widzow ok.2000-sami Euro-Amerykanie i Azjaci!!! Afrykanow ok.5 osob!!!2-Koncert w Carnige Hall: 50-cio lecie wystepow "Kwartetu Dave Brubeck"-a w drugiej czesci znakomity pianista: Ramsey Lewis trio/pan i perekusista kolorowi/!!! Publicznosc??? Sala"sold aut"!!! sami Biali i Azjaci!!! Afrykanow ok.4 osoby!!! 3-koncert w Carnige Hall !!! Z okazji 80-tych urodzin geniusza muzyki: klasycznej i jazzu!!! pianista, kompozytor ,dyrygent,arranger!!! Andre Previn Trio!!! Publicznosc??? to samo!!!sala"sold aut"!!! Afrykanow ok.4 osoby!!!4- Carnige Hall-koncert: "The N.York Pop's". przepiekna muzyka z"Misic Hall's",Jazz i Pop w najlepszym swiatowym wykonaniu!!!publicznosc??? sala"sold aut"!!! Afrykanow ok.7 osob!!! 5-Koncert:"Jazz in Carnige Hall"!!! Big Band Carnige Hall-leader-trebacz wiruoz/czarny/; Diane Reeves-znakomita vokalistka Jazzowa/czarna/!!! Fantastyczny koncert!!!p ublicznosc??? sala"sold aut"!!! sami Euroamerykanie i Azjaci!!! Afrykanow ok.8 osob!!!
I teraz!!! moj znakomity kolega, muzyk wirtuoz: klarnet, saksofony i flet; Adam Kapera, ktory wspolpracowal w Szwecji z czolowka Jazzowa Polski-W.Karolakiem, A.Dabrowskim, Cz.Bartkowiakiem; Ewa Bem i innymi; a ja mialem przyjemnosc z nim wspolpracowac w Krakowie w latach 1967-71 !!! Cytuje jego odpowiedz na moje uwagi :"....oni/afrykanie/lubia trabki, saksofony, puzony, PERKUSJE!!! pewno dlatego nie chodza do Carnige Hall!!! Alez w tym" Big Bandzie" mieli 5 trabek, 5 saksofonow, 4 puzony,2 perkusje/polowa muzykow afrykanie/oraz wybitna wspolczesna wokalistke: Diane Reeves/tez kolorowa/ i co???punblicznosc:sala" sold aut"-Euroamerykanie i azjaci!!! Afrykanow ok.8 osob!!! Wiec w poszukiwaniu"CZARNYCH MILOSNIKOW JAZZU", i wogole muzyki" koncertowej", udalismy sie od"Lincoln Center",/ktore jest siedziba W.Marsalisa i jego Fenomenalnej Orkiestry/; na koncert znakomitego trebacza-kompozytora i dyrygenta: Wintona Marsalisa/czarny, urodzony w N.Orleanie/ i jego Fenomenalnego Big Bandu/6 muzykow bialych i 9 czarnych/!!! Goscinnie: Joe Levano-saksofon tenor;oraz: DIANE REEVES-vocal!!! koncert z okazji : 70 lecia zalozenia slynnego Studia nagran i wytworni plytowej: "BLUE NOTE!!!" THE BEST OF BLUE RECORDS"!!! Wynton Marsalis-najlepszy trebacz swiata/czarny/i wybitny kompozytor oraz dyrygent!!! Koncert samych geniuszow jazzu: W.Marsalis; Joe Levano; D.Reeves i orkiestra sami wirtuozi!!! reprtuar wspanialy; wykonanie rewelacyjne; i co??? Publicznosc??? sala"sold out"-Euroamerykanie i Azjaci!!! a czarni??? okolo10 osob!!! bardzo chcieli bysmy poznac dlaczego tak jest??? Europa i Azja obecna na salach koncertowych Nowego Yorku!!! a gdzie Afrykanie, Hiszpanowaci i inne tzw."rasy"??? .....C.D.N...."to be continued"....!!!!

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